Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 0 Has Arrived! Please support William & Chase April 20th

 Tuesday, April 20th, 2010 is Harvest / Transplant day for William (donor) and Chase (recipient).   I would love for them to have a show of support.  If you are able (and would like to help out), please wear orange, green, or a combination of both tomorrow.  Orange is the traditional color representing leukemia, as pink is for breast cancer, while green represents bone marrow and stem cell transplants.  I especially would like William to know how supported he is in this.  After all, he is a life saver - literally.

Once you've got your colors via a sign, ribbons, or clothing please snap a picture of yourself and email it to  As these come in, I will review and then post them on this blog.  If you aren't comfortable with me posting them, please email them to me directly so I can show the boys.  They will not be posted in that case. My email is caroline.obannon (at) gmail (dot) com. 

If you decide to send them in for posting, your Subject line should end up as the post's title and whatever you type in the body of the email will be your blog post.  Please tell us where you are,  especially if you're on vacation, who you are (first names or screen names), and a few words of support would be SO wonderful!!

Thank you again for all of the support you gave us last year while Chase battled leukemia, and for your continued prayers and support.  Starting tomorrow, which is known as Day 0 after 7 days of intensive chemotherapy, will be the beginning of the transplant phase, which could last as long as 100 days before Chase is officially allowed to go home.   We're hoping he'll be released from the hospital after no more than 30 days and then no more than another 20 to 30 days in the Ronald McDonald house transplant suite before we're back on a more normal maintenance plan.  In short, we still have a hill to scale ahead of us, but we're confident this will be the last one!!

Thank you again!
Caroline O'Bannon

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