Saturday, September 10, 2011

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Aflac Childhood Cancer Awareness Banner
Originally uploaded by cbucky

Via Flickr:
Please use this link to join Aflac's cause against childhood cancer.

For every person who joins, they'll donate $2. No commitment other than joining on your part. 1 in 4 children are diagnosed with childhood cancer every year and 20 to 25% of those will not win their fight. Cancer is the #1 killer of children in the United States.

In 2007, the NCI reported that the combined extramural and intramural funding for childhood cancer research was approximately $180 million. Other more conservative estimates, put childhood cancer research funding as low as $30 million annually. NCI allocated $572.4 million on breast cancer research in 2007.

On average, 67 years of life is lost when a child dies of cancer, yet pediatric cancer funding lacks in comparison to other adult cancers.

Chase, was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, an adult leukemia (in March 2009). Since then he's relapsed twice, endured 10 debilitating rounds of chemo, has had two bone marrow transplants, has spent over 300 nights in the hospital, and another 6 weeks away from home in the Ronald McDonald house post transplant.

We thank God that he's on the (slow but steady) road to recovery and anxious to move forward with his life. We're also so very blessed to live near the Aflac Cancer Center where his oncologists are active researchers, working diligently to find better treatment methods and cures for pediatric cancers.

Prior to all of this, I had no idea what the levels of funding were for pediatric cancers in comparison to other adult cancers. I wasn't even aware there was a childhood cancer awareness month. So, I'm spreading the word. I'm asking that everyone who reads this please do the same. I don't have Aflac insurance and I don't work for them, but I am so impressed by their efforts and their dedication to supporting research and treatments for children like my son.

Thank you and God Bless!